Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thank you Joseph

Thank you Joseph.
Joseph is right. When you don't get feed back, you have a feeling you are talking to a wall and you are just not sure if what you are saying is good to anybody, if anybody's reading and if reading do they like it and find it useful or not.
I understand him well.
I've seen the statistics, and I'm surprised my self that quite a good number of people saw EW videos, but not a single comment. That tells me that most probably nobody like it.
That is the reason I was not finding time to post new Market Update and a continuation on JPY video and the one I've said I'll do about other indicators I use to make calls.
However I'm very glad I've started writing the first time. I've made a good friend.
Thank you once again Joseph.


  1. ID,

    We do like the analysis & the videos, please keep them coming.

  2. Hi Idejan,
    I do visit ur blog and read the articles here.You are right, we, the readers , should post our views on your articles and the videos.
    Keep up the good work.Good luck to you,Bear and Joseph.
    You all have come up with a good site.Keep the good work coming.

    thanks and best of luck,
