There is a world of difference between a conventional self-determined student and one who is pan-determined.
Self-determinism is taking responsibility
only & entirely for the self. Pan-determinism, on the other hand, is taking responsibility not just for self, but also for the other(s) involved in the game or venture at hand.
The former is an excellent trait to possess, but it pales in comparison to the latter.
Example: a game of soccer -- each team is only responsible for itself -- but think of the possibilities and permutations/combinations if one could be responsible for BOTH sides of the game -- equally and impartially. There's got to be a winner, but the depth of play will increase exponentially and all manner of art and magic will burst forth -- even in the event of a draw!!!
A close parallel in concept then, between a student and a selected teacher -- generally in life the teacher is selected by other-determinism. That's usually no good.
But when a lean, mean, hungry, determined student
himself ....
selects the teacher and then takes
full responsibility for any perceived inabilities, real or imagined, in the psyche of the teacher, you have a recipe for success because it draws on the magic of pan-determinism.
His posts at the graveyard were outstanding, but what I've seen here is magic
aborning -- like in the movie "The Black Stallion" -- this desert horse has EW levels of finesse that ain't never been tapped!
No newspaper ads, no magazine ads, no TV, no nothing -- my path crossed his -- in a graveyard; more specifically, at grave #34 -- a Fib number to boot.
A crooked, perhaps very knowledgeable moderator (knowledgeable especially in the realm of cliches -- he knows them all --
verbatim) at the graveyard said to me in a fit of rage; "you'll have blown your account and be gone from Forex within a few months, but
I'll still be here!" ...... this moderator apparently makes millions of dollars and controls millions in funds of other companies/individuals etc. Bottomline: I wouldn't learn doodly squat from such a dude even if I paid him a trillion.
For months I was searching the graveyard for a decent broker and I was becoming exasperated. Every time it appeared that I found a good one, I'd run into a ton of negative stuff and would then eliminate the said broker.
I threw my hands up in absolute disgust and despair and fired off a
mental distress call -- within a couple days I ran into Idejan's posts and lo and behold, his mention of Alpari; a broker who had not only Forex, but also Futures, USDX and a host of other stuff -- plus MT4 -- then from this same individual I found out that Oanda was also outstandingly good, whereas the graveyard was putting this outfit down across the board. Throw in the EW knowledge he possesses and you dig what I'm getting at?
A man's got to know his own limitations, but he also ought to know the right road when, in a drunken stupor, he stumbles upon it!
Adios amigos