Your comments are well said but I believe we all teach to some degree when we post, we express an idea or thought and set forth a list of reasons/criteria why we think this view is valid and look for comments feedback from others to support or invalidate our thoughts. From this we learn as a student and the cycle starts over again.
How ever I must admit that your views on Elliott Wave Analysis are some of the best or better said most complete and comprehensive that I’ve seen. While you do not see yourself as a teacher, one can learn a great deal from studying the views you share. Don’t sell yourself short. Yes there are several books and sources that one could go to learn about EW, but you have a very good understanding and are grounded in the (for lack of a better description) traditional Elliott Wave approach and you express yourself very well.
But I would suggest that the Blog would be better served as it was originally intended ( as I understand it anyway) the open exchange of ideas rather than that of a classroom. However I must confess that I receive a lot more than I put in. :)
Will try to do more.
And I must apologize to Joseph for my silence but some of the questions you asked are completely outside my area of knowledge, and I was looking for others to answer.
I do have some thoughts on divergence, the math behind the different indicators will show divergence differently but when price on it’s second thrust does not move an equal or grater distance in the same time as the first, divergence will show itself. When wave 5 exceeds wave three but the distance in the length of the waves is smaller( 5 less than 3) an oscillator will show divergence, it's all about distance and time traveled. It’s normal and can be seen with the eyes. From your posts I gather your familiar with this and I will try to put together some thoughts and publish.
Sorry to get carried away there and ramble.
I would add that everyone that comes on the blog, please comment, ask questions. Say hello! After all, it’s how we learn.
Idejan, Joseph and Stojce thank you, hope the discussion continues.
Wishing all a great weekend.
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