If you mow your lawn and find a car, you're a redneck.
But a Moron? .... that's a whole different ballgame .....
Why did it take the moron an hour to eat breakfast?
Because the orange juice carton said, "Concentrate!"
How many times have I heard the dollar's problems blamed on the Trade Deficit? Hundreds of times ... and by every single major News org and TV station to boot.
Recent examples: (plucked from EWI site; I have my own charts on this subject but their's are superior, so I present it here instead of my own)
“The US trade data for January is due on Thursday and may trigger some selling if it draws attention to the structural problems facing the US economy.” (AP)
“With expectations for a wider-than-expected result in the US trade gap, there is enough scope for disappointment, making the dollar vulnerable.” (Forbes)
“The widening of the US trade deficit was a key factor behind the dollar’s three-year decline through the end of 2004 and currency analysts warn it may send the US currency falling again.” (Reuters)
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