In the green already and now on market's dime -- let her rip, baby! The yellow lines are Fib extensions.
Disappointment has been my closest friend for a week now, as expectations go some distance and then succumb to sloth and the "finger"!
Will this time be more of the same? The STOPs are in!
Bear's pitchfork in action again in DX 4-hr and by the way, if this rally does have staying power, remember who is leading the charge -- why, its GBPUSD, of course, in the foreground, but the true accelerator is inverse USDCHF.
EurUsd is not really responding to this windfall; this is not good.
Also notice how nicely my voodoo fib grid is doing its job -- you're supposed to take SHORT profits at 161.8% and then whittle on a piece of wood as the market decides what to do. If she blasts off north from here, then hey, its done an even better job.
All this however, pales in comparison to a daily/weekly/monthly hold.
But I'll take it as practise with chump change!
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